About 10 years ago I bought a book about which I would like to write a review, its title is “1000 tips for graphic designers” and brings together 100 graphic designers from different disciplines who expose their 10 tips that have helped them every day. I write this review 10 years after reading it because after that time it still seems to me a very useful purchase and it is very good to rescue it from time to time from the shelf and reread its more than 300 pages, as it is a didactic and motivating book to continue improving and growing regardless of the area of graphic design we work in.

Tips for graphic designers
Among its pages you will find all kinds of tips: work methodologies, tools, materials or techniques that can help us to unblock that project or idea. Many of them even suggest very interesting readings or advise us on different ways to disconnect and recharge our batteries through music, movies or simple walks in the countryside or on the beach.
The book is organized alphabetically by the name of the studio/freelance. In addition to tips and tricks we also find a small introduction of each company or freelance, explaining the career path of each one since its inception.
Here are some of the tips that you can find throughout the book to give you an idea of its content:
“Talk to a printer before presenting your idea to the client. He will be able to tell you if there are any drawbacks and suggest other options or offer practical advice.”
“When we face a new project, whatever the discipline, the first thing we must do is research, understand its nature, the viewer and the subject at hand and find the most appropriate communicative solution.”
If you are interested in acquiring this book and you can’t find it in your bookstore, I leave you a link from where you can buy it online: Buy book.

Categoría/s: Graphic design
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