Sunscreen – 3D advertising

Sunscreen advertisement
3D model - Sunscreen advertisement

3D modelling for advertising pieces

When we make a 3D model for advertising pieces, the technical requirements are different from modelling for video games, for example. Knowing these limitations is important to optimise the workflow.

MUPI sun protection cream -  bus stop


Depending on the nature of the project we will decide whether we need the skills of a 3D generalist or a photographer to achieve the objectives.

Sunscreen advertisement
Sunscreen advertisement

Advertising project, in which several pieces are created promoting sun protection cream, aimed at all audiences, highlighting the importance of this product in the summer season.

3D modelling techniques were used for its elaboration, together with photographic retouching. The use of 3D modelling of the product greatly facilitated the adjustments of light, shadows and presentation of the product in the final graphic piece.