Pereira Servicios – Maintenance services

Pereira servicios - logotype
Main logotype
Pereira servicios - logotype versions
Logo in different versions


Pereira services offers comprehensive maintenance service of air conditioning, electricity, plumbing / gas to individuals and small businesses offering a close treatment to its customers.

Pereira servicios - Color palette
Color palette
Pereira servicios - Typography
Fonts Bebas Nue and Yellowtail.
Pereira servicios -  Logo sizes
Different versions of the logo
Web mockup
Web developed in WordPress adapted to all devices.


We use both print and cut vinyl to proceed with the lettering of the company’s vehicle.

Van lettering
Design for vehicle labelling.
Van lettering
Design for vehicle lettering.
Van lettering
Van lettering in cut and print vinyl.

Development of corporate image made during the period I was working for the advertising agency Publicentro del Sur, for the maintenance company: Pereira Servicios. Professional image and close to the client.