Sánchez Carrera – Construction and renovation

Sanchez Carrera - logotype
Main logo for the corporate image of Sanchez Carrera.
Sanchez Carrera - logotype versions
Positive, black and white versions of the logo for different applications.


We want to convey a strong image with a vision of the future and the use of technology to always stay at the forefront and innovation within the sector. This is achieved in each of the elements that make up the image, typography, color and anagram.

Sánchez Carrera - Typography
League Spartan and Dosis typography.
Sánchez Carrera - Color palette
Color palette
Vehicle labeling
Van labeling

Van labeling

The van was given a complete signage, showing the services offered and contact information.

Rotulación vehículo - frontal
Van labeling. Front side.
Rotulación vehículo - trasera
Van labeling. Back side
Web - Sánchez Carrera
Adaptation of the new corporate image to the web environment.

Sánchez Carrera is a young company with extensive experience in the construction sector, specializing in the renovation and rehabilitation of buildings, commercial premises, homes, and all types of buildings and unique facilities.

With the data on the table we chose to create a powerful image, with a strong impact, so we chose dark colors with a sans serif typography and with enough body.

The symbol represents the constant search for innovation and the future within the sector, a “going forward” and betting on the use of technology.