3D – CGI enviroments

Outdoor enviroment

CGI scene - outdoor enviroment
Cartoon style outdoor enviroment with realistic texturing of a burger restaurant.
CGI scene - meshes outdoor enviroment
3D meshes of the different objects that make up the scene.
CGI scene - render passess
3D render passes in order to process them in post-production.

Render passess

Render passes allow you greater control over adjustments in the post-production process.

Indoor enviroment

CGI enviroment - Indoor scene
3D scene of a cartoon-stopmotion style interior enviroment of the living room of a house.
CGI enviroment - 3D meshes
3D meshes
CGI enviroment - render passess
3D render passes in order to process them in post-production.

High dynamic range format

By exporting in .exr format we have more information available in the image (up to 32bits depth), allowing more flexibility in light adjustments, colour, etc…

Indoor CGI scene
3D scene of a cartoon-stopmotion style of the living room of a house.
3D meshes - indoor CGI scene
3D meshes
CGI scene - render passes
3D render passes in order to process them in post-production.

CGI scenery composition in which the different meshes were modelled, textured and finally a small post-production was carried out using the different rendering passes, applying techniques learnt in the Doméstika course given by Javier León.